We are delighted and extremely proud to announce that Oakfield Preparatory School has been officially graded as ‘Excellent’, the highest possible rating, in all categories following our inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in November 2022. This was a whole school ‘Focused Compliance and Educational Quality’ inspection.
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The Educational Quality part of the inspection reports on the quality of the school’s work and focuses on two key outcomes:
Both outcomes were judged to be Excellent, and we are so proud that our teaching and learning have been acknowledged in this way.
The key findings stated were:
‘The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.’
‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’
The Focused Compliance part of the inspection reports on the school’s compliance with the Independent School Standards, and Oakfield was judged to be fully compliant in all areas.
We are all overjoyed with the outcome of the inspection, and I could not be prouder of the Oakfield family. Our talented and dedicated staff work incredibly hard to ensure that the children receive the absolute best, academically ambitious and innovative education, and I am thrilled that their creativity and commitment have been acknowledged in this way. I am also delighted that the inspectors recognised our children for the wonderful young people they are and the values and character traits they possess. I would also like to thank all our families for their ongoing support of the school and partnership with us as we work together in the best academic and personal interests of each individual child.
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Read our previous ISI Regulatory Inspection Report 2018 here